How are the two elevators controlled automatically?

Release time: 2019-06-20 15:04:18

News source: Hunan Alpha Elevator Engineering Co., LTD

湖南电梯The method of use can be divided into destination floor call system and non-destination floor call system.
According to the processor computing power is divided into cheap version, full version;
According to the supporting functions can be divided into standard and non-standard version...
For people who don't study elevators, just know the class。(However, some people do not have the opportunity to take the elevator of the destination floor, so it is not helpful to know.)

According to the current technology, the parameters that the algorithm can adopt are:
1) Each passenger, from which floor, which floor to go
2) Number of elevators operating in groups
3) Rated load of each elevator (converted to imaginary full load)
4) Rated speed of the elevator
5) How many floors of the building, whether each elevator service layer, if not, which layers
6) Each waiting hall, there is no up call, there is no down call
7) For each car, there is no call to select the layer button, and which layers are there
8) Per car, the current load percentage
9) Each car, the current running direction (up, down, no direction)
10) Each car, the current running state (static, accelerating, uniform, decelerating)
11) For each car, the current state of the door (close in place, open in place, close in place, open in place)
12) Whether each elevator is faulty, the fault elevator automatically breaks out of the group control
13) Other functions
When the elevator is not the destination floor call, then 1) the data source is missing;
When the elevator is not installed with a device to measure the load of the car, then 8) the data source is missing;


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